Minggu, 31 Oktober 2021

Is Soical media for good teens?

 Erisca Marcella & Avni Ardianti 

Social media is a powerful tool that should be used with the utmost care. You should build people up, not tear people down. Organize events with your friends and in your community. Share your ups and downs (with discretion), stay aware of current events, and project a positive image of yourself. And, most importantly, know when to put it down.

Social media plays an important role in every student's life. It is often easier and more convenient to access information, provide information and communicate via social media. Tutors and students can be connected to each other and can make good use of these platforms for the benefit of their learning and teaching.

Social networks can create peer motivation, inspiring young people to develop healthy habits, try something new, follow their dreams, and speak up about things that matter to them.   Teens can also find positive role models online. In addition, a wide variety of apps offer instruction and support for developing a more positive outlook and building healthy habits, such as meditation and exercise.

Positive of Social Media :

•Share your expertise. 

•Social media gives you an opportunity to talk about what you know and what you want to be known for. ... 

•Increase your visibility. ... 

•Educate yourself. ... 

•Connect anytime.

Selasa, 23 Maret 2021


 1. Write the book/ journal related to woman you have read and attach the cover or part of it. 

2.What do you find on it it

3. Which part of your book is amazing ?

4.  What do you get from the book/journal that you want to share with us today ? 

5.Give a brief description about the book/ journal

1.Dewi Sartika was born from a famous Sundanese family, namely R. Rangga Somanegara and RA Rajapermas in Cicalengka on December 4, 1884


 This effort was made to deal with problems in the form of low access to education for the Indonesian people at that time, especially women who came from the common people.



3.The guide of all nations who wish to crown someone the recipient of the honorary title of "hero" in his country.  Regardless of the form or way of struggle, a hero must have done something heroic for his nation according to the conditions of his era.  Likewise with Raden Dewi Sartika.

 If other heroes fight for their nation through frontal wars such as taking up arms, Dewi Sartika chooses to struggle through education, namely by establishing schools.  He often faced various challenges, especially in the field of operational funding for the schools he founded.

4.Thanks to Dewi Sartika's persistence and her sincerity in developing her country's society, the school she founded as a means of education for women can continue to stand, and even become a role model in other areas.

5. Dewi Sartika was born in Bandung, December 4, 1884, and died in Tasikmalaya, September 11, 1947 at the age of 62.  She is a pioneering figure in education for women, recognized as a National Hero by the Indonesian Government in 1966. Her father, Raden Somanagara, was a freedom fighter.  Finally, his father was sentenced to exile to Ternate Island by the Dutch East Indies Government until he died there.  Dewi Sartika was born into a Sundanese priyayi family, Nyi Raden Rajapermas and Raden Somanagara.  Despite violating the customs at that time, her parents were adamant about sending Dewi Sartika to a Dutch school as well.

Selasa, 23 Februari 2021

(Text Procedure) How to turn on a Laptop

 Erisca Marcella


How not, almost certainly everyone already knows how to turn on a laptop.  No need to be taught because you just have to press the power button and the laptop will turn on by itself.  Yes, that's how easy we think.  Some, the indicator light is already on but the screen is still off and black.  For those who don't know and are impatient, it is possible to press once again, even many times because they thought it was not enough to press hard. Even though the way to turn on a laptop computer like that is not right or wrong.  Even arguably unsafe tends to be dangerous.  Why?  Because it can damage the hard disk and certain software.  So from now on you should know how to turn on the laptop properly, 1. Make sure the power source is installed: Make sure it is connected to the power supply before you try to turn on the computer and laptop.  Do not forget.  Because if not, pressed as hard as possible and several times it won't turn on.  If you don't realize it, you may think it's damaged.

 Be careful with that kind of situation.  The reason is, it is not impossible to annoy him.  If it's like that, while a lot of work awaits, it is not impossible for you to get angry and then pat your laptop or computer hard, hoping to turn on.  Or worse, you innocently bring it to a repairman.  2.) Pressing the power button just once: That the way to turn on a computer or laptop is good and right is enough to press the power button only once.  Not many times and too strong to squeeze.  All you need is to wait patiently for it to turn on.  3.) Be patient waiting for the system to load: After pressing the power button once to turn on the laptop, all you need is to be patient.  At that time you should not do anything to him.  Either clicking, moving the pointer with the mouse, or refreshing.  Just so you know, all of these methods have no effect on speeding up loading.  4.) Wait until the operating system is ready to use: After waiting for a few seconds the screen will definitely turn on too.  Usually what appears first is a pointer or cursor icon and is accompanied by a small circle swirling.  Or you can also directly display the wallpaper.  At this stage, it doesn't mean that you are allowed to operate the laptop. That's the way to turn on a laptop that is good, correct, and safe.  The point is to be patient waiting for the readiness of the system first.  It's a bit of a waste of time.  However, it is for the sake of hardware and software durability of the laptop itself.  If you want fast, please upgrade to a higher specification and operating system.

How to turn on a Laptop: 

1.) Make sure the power source is installed.

2.)Just press the power button once. 

3.)Be patient waiting for system loading. 

4.)Wait until the operating system is ready to use.