Minggu, 25 Agustus 2019



With Tourism Learning, students can see and feel objects directly in a happy atmosphere with friends under the guidance of the teacher. Borobudur Temple, Prambanan Temple, Kraton, Malioboro are very suitable for learning objects because they are loaded with reviews of Cross-Curriculum Competency Standards. It is expected that after implementing Tourism Learning students can make written reports about the results of the visit, under the guidance of the teacher.

1. OSIS work program for SMA Negeri 3 Bandung in the 2019/2020 academic year

2. Decision of the Principal of SMA Negeri 3 BANDUNG on July 29, 2019

3. KTSP Curriculum (Competency Based Curriculum).


1. Introduce students to certain attractions related to school subjects.

2. Add students' insights about Indonesia's ancestral heritage (Borobodur and Keraton) which have high historical value.

3. Foster a spirit of appreciation about universal science and be able to witness the work of its own people, by seeing, observing, then assessing / drawing conclusions and finally being able to appreciate it.

4. Perfect teaching and learning methods by seeing, feeling and experiencing directly about an object under the guidance of the teacher.

5. Give refreshment or get rid of boredom after doing routine learning in class.

6. After conducting Learning Tours students can fill in Student Worksheets (LKS) that have been provided in accordance with the objects visited.


This field trip will take place over four days, from 18 December to 21 December 2019.


Participants in the Yogyakarta Learning Tour are all grade X students of SMA NEGERI 3 BANDUNG who have declared themselves to participate and are accompanied by accompanying teachers (5 teachers accompany each bus).


Transportation and Tourism Learning Tourism Yogyakarta for SMA 3 BANDUNG high school students in the academic year 2019/2020 using Nusantara Green travel services with the following facilities:

1. Blue Star tourism bus

2. Eat a buffet in accordance with the package 8X + snack 1 time

3. Lodging in Brongto (AC, TV, swimming pool)

4. Entrance ticket for attractions, tolls, parking, and fees according to the program.

5. T-shirts for each participant

6. Jasa Raharja travel insurance

7. Life Insurance

8. Guidebook

Tourism Learning Objects must be adapted to the subject matter, so that Tourism Learning can be felt to be very beneficial both by the teacher and students as participants, in other words Learning Tourism must be right on target, namely seeking knowledge while having fun and working.

1.) Who is organizing the event?
2.) What is the purpose of the activity for students?
3.) How many days the activity takes place?
4.) How many teachers accompany students?
5.) Especially for what school year do you have to take part in the activity?

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